Russell County
Youth League Soccer
​How to help
The Russell County Soccer Club was established to bring the great game of soccer to the youth of Russell Springs. Volunteering of time or donations are the best way to get involved.
Do you shop at Amazon or Kroger's? Another great way to give back without any impact to you is by using the Amazon Smiles Program or the Kroger Community Rewards Program. By using the following link when you are shopping from Amazon, the Russell County Soccer Program is eligible to receive up to 0.5% of moneys spent as a donation.

In addition, by linking your Kroger Cards or Alternate ID online to the Russell County Soccer Club, when you purchase your groceries and goods from Kroger's, Kroger's will give a portion of the proceeds back to the club and no cost to you. Please sign up for this, get anyone to know to sign up for this. It takes literally 5 minutes one time per year. Click image below to sign up now.
Russell County Soccer Youth League Signups Now -
Spring Soccer season is here! Time to get out those shin guards and knock off those cleats. Grades 2-5 register here now!
​Latest project
The club is working hard to establish a competitive youth league in our area. The intent is to start at the elementary level and grow the program through getting approval to establish school teams at first the middle school and high school levels for both boys and girls.